About KWNC
College Overview

Most Time-Honoured Nursing Education Institute in Macao

Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau (KWNC), founded in 1923, is a subsidiary institution of the Kiang Wu Charitable Association (KWCA). Evolving from the former Kiang Wu Senior Nursing School, the College is the longest-standing nursing education institute in Macao. KWNC successfully completed Institutional Accreditation conducted by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), Nursing Education Accreditation conducted by The Motherland's Education Quality Evaluation Agency of the Ministry of Education, and the College is the accredited course provider of Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI). The College is committed to provide multidisciplinary and higher-level programmes to effectively meet the evolving social needs and healthcare developments.

Quality Assurance

Institutional Evaluation

KWNC successfully completed Institutional Accreditation conducted by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), Nursing Education Accreditation conducted by The Motherland's Education Quality Evaluation Agency of the Ministry of Education, and the College is the accredited course provider of Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI). The College is committed to provide multidisciplinary and higher-level programmes to effectively meet the evolving social needs and healthcare developments.

International and National Recognition

Based on fulfilling the social responsibility and the requirements of the Macao SAR Higher Education Quality Assessment Regime, the College conducts regular curriculum review to continuously improve the curriculum development and enhance the quality of teaching and learning.



The Chinese founded 'Kiang Wu Senior Nursing School'


KWNC designed its curriculum according to the stipulation of the Chinese Nurses Society. From the first cohort to the eleventh cohort of students, both male and female students were recruited


Completion of 'Cheung Ting Campus'


The School was renamed as 'Kiang Wu Private Senior Nursing Occupational School'


The School was renamed as 'Kiang Wu Private Senior Nursing and Midwifery Occupational School'


The midwifery subject was added into the nursing programme


The School was renamed as 'Kiang Wu Private Nursing and Midwifery School'


Mr Ho Yin and Mr Ho Tim contributed funds for the construction of 'Cheng-Kai Memorial Hall'


The School gained recognition as an educational institution from the Macao Government


Launched 'Higher Diploma in Nursing Programme'


The Macao Former Government approved for the School to be promoted to 'Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau (KWNC)'


Collaborated with Peking Union Medical College to launch 'In-Service Bachelor of Science in Nursing Programme'


Launched 'Higher Diploma in Nursing (Supplementary) Programme'


Successfully completed Higher Diploma in Nursing Programme validation conducted by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Launched 'Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Supplementary) Programme (BSNS)'


Launched Nursing Preceptor Training Course. Collaborated with Macao Polytechnic University and the three hospitals in Macao to establish Nursing Preceptor Training Committee. Also, trained and listed Preceptors


Collaborated with Hong Kong Hospital Authority t'Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Nursing Programme (PDAN)'


Collaborated with Sun Yat-sen University to launch 'Master of Nursing Science Programme (MNS)' in Macao


Special Administrative Region (SAR) Government appropriated land to construct a new campus for KWNC to utilise


Added 'Mong Ha Campus'


Launched the ‘Health Care Course’ collaborated with Escola Luso-Chinesa Tecnico-Profissional (ELCTP) entrusted by Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) Government


Successfully completed Institutional Quality Audit conducted by QAA. QAA placed confidence in numerous aspects during the Audit


Launched 'Certificate Programme in Applied Gerontology (CAG)' which can be taken by postgraduates with multi-disciplinary backgrounds


Co-organised the ‘Certified Dementia Care Planner Course (CDCP)’ with Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association and Macau Alzheimer's Disease Association


Established MN, and this nursing master's programme is the first college-level master's programme approved in Macao history


Successfully completed the self-initiated Programme Accreditations for ‘Fundamental Health Care Training Programme’ and ‘Advanced Health Care Training Programme’ conducted by nursing experts


12th May, Kiang Wu Charitable Association and the Education and Youth Development Bureau signed the ‘Facility Rental Agreement’ for the Nursing Teaching Building of the Islands District Medical Complex


Relocated from Cheng-Kai Memorial Hall and Mong Ha Campuses to Islands District Medical Complex Campus in August to educate students


Launched Programme in Dementia Care Organiser (DCO) and Programme in Dementia Care Giver (DCG)


KWNC 100th Anniversary


Successfully completed the Institutional Accreditation, PhD Programme Accreditaition, MN Programme Review conducted by QAA


KWNC will launch a Master of Applied Gerontology (MAG), and a PhD

Ten-Year Plan

The College formulated a Ten-Year Plan to create a blueprint for 2030. Coordinating with the second Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development (2021-2025) with reference to the integration of nursing education in Macao, taking into account the unique characteristics of the local society, higher education, and the current and future needs of the healthcare profession, combined with a comprehensive SWOT analysis of the College's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Governance Structure

In the governance structure, the College Council is the highest organisational body, and it is responsible for implementing the College's policies. The President is the highest responsible person in the College, she manages the administration, human resources, finance, teaching, scientific research, and related work. The College Administrative Committee is the management and administrative organisational body. The Academic Committee is the highest academic organisational body. It is responsible for teaching quality assurance and teacher qualifications, formulating and reaching a decision regarding controversies.

Facts & Figures

Current registration for higher
education programmes (persons)

0 +

The Total Area of the Campus
(Square Meter)


Simulated Ward/Laboratory (Number)


Collaborative Unit (Number)

0 +

Employment Rate of Graduates (%)


Nurse Registration – Qualification Accreditation Exam Pass Rate (%)


Strive for Competence and Integrity
Serve with Professionality and Care

Contact Us
Tel: (853) 8295 6200
Fax: (853) 2836 5204

Complexo de Cuidados de Saúde das Ilhas

Edifício do Instituto de Enfermagem Kiang Wu de Macau, Avenida do Hospital das Ilhas no.447, Coloane, RAEM

Permanent Campus

Est. Repouso No. 35, R/C, Macau

