Overview of Life Journey Experience Pavilion
The Life Journey Experience Pavilion is located on the fourth floor of the Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau (KWNC) Campus at the Islands District Medical Complex.
It has the title sponsorship of hardware construction by Wynn Care Foundation, and it is named Wynn Care Life Journey Experience Pavilion.
In terms of professionalism, the Pavilion is the first professional exhibition hall for nursing and Comprehensive Health in Macao. In terms of education, it has the function of training and education, providing professional education for students at all levels. In terms of academics, it can appropriately display scientific research output of the College and in terms of society, it can provide experiential learning and popularise professional knowledge.
The Life Journey Experience Pavilion was built to meet the needs of future developments of the College, to cope with the appropriate socio-economic diversification of Macao, and to develop Comprehensive Health industry.
According to the College's Ten-Year Plan for 2020-2030, it is planned that more resources will be invested in research and social services, and more efforts will be made to promote the socialisation of the concept of Comprehensive Health.
Through the Pavilion, the College will better promulgate nursing knowledge and health information through teaching, research, and social services. Consequently, it will have a more positive impact on the Macao society.
1. Teaching: experiential learning of a combination of nursing and health theories.
2. Research: to develop related research projects through the demonstration and study of equipment.
3. Social service: to provide experience and assessment of the life cycle to the public.
In accordance with the life cycle of human beings, the Life Journey Experience Pavilion is divided into five areas, namely, childbearing (Embarking), child and adolescent (Flourishing), adults (Blossoming), senior (Benevolence Glowing) and death (Homecoming).
Each of these areas is equipped with corresponding models and teaching aids, which help to reconstruct the software and hardware of the life journey experience.
These enable students of different levels to deepen their knowledge and understanding of various stages of life with learning activities. At the same time, the Pavilion will gradually promote the concept of Comprehensive Health to the general public.
Childbearing Area
•  Area name: Embarking
•  Design concept: 
According to the exhibition route, this area is divided into three parts (blocks): prenatal, delivery and postnatal. Through demonstration and experience, the area displays the natural care process and content of pregnancy and childbirth during prenatal, delivery, and postnatal period.
The equipment placed in each area is the same equipment actually used in teaching. In addition, audio-visual devices, books, and multimedia education content related to obstetric care will also be added. By combining actual models and participatory experiences, this area increases learning interest and enhances visitors’ understanding of obstetric childbearing care content.
Children and Teenagers Area
•  Area name: Flourishing
•  Design Concept: 
Child and teenager stages are crucial periods in life. Through participation in parent-child interactive games, gaining growth related information, having physical well-being, fitness level, and emotional exploration and recognition, this area focuses on showcasing the importance of parenting education and family ambience in childhood. It also displays the colourful diversity of dramatic physical, emotional changes in adolescence, self-exploration, and experience accumulation in growth spurt.
Adult Area
•  Area name: Blossoming
•  Design concept: 
Pursuant to the exhibition route, this area is divided into three parts (blocks). The design concept is mainly for displaying and providing the experience of the process starting from a healthy body, then function loss due to being affected by illness, and rehabilitation after illness.
For the first part, there are mainly diagnostic instruments, including glucometer, blood pressure monitor, lipid analyser, uric acid meter, pulse oximeter, weighing scale, Body Mass Index (BMI) measurement, etc. This area is mainly for visitors to experience health checks.
In the second part, there are assistive devices such as crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, chair weighting scale, and audio-visual equipment that plays disease-related videos. This area is chiefly for participants to experience and understand various diseases and function loss after illness.
The third part is equipped with climbing frames, balance training machines, upright beds, stairs, trails, etc., This area is primarily for guests to experience rehabilitation after function loss.
Senior Area
•  Area name: Benevolence-glowing
•  Design concept:
The senior area is in line with the development of the life cycle. Individuals have accumulated abundant life experience and wisdom after going through the adolescent and adult stages. However, individuals experience various degrees of function loss as they age, but different pathological states are not the inevitable result of ageing.
This area aims to introduce friendly home environment design concepts that adapt to the living conditions of different older adults. There are also GeronTech that can improve seniors’ ability to live independently. The activity area can host various forms of health promotion activities for the seniors to improve their functions.
In addition, it also allows students and the public to experience the changes of ageing to increase the empathy and understanding of the older adults among different groups of people, creating a positive ageing society.
Death Experience Area
•  Area name: Homecoming
•  Design Concept:
Life is a one-way journey, there is no turning back when you reach the end of your life. Yet. at the Pavilion you can experience death to a certain extent.
As a place for life and death education, this area mainly allows participants to experience the death process of themselves or their relatives and friends. It can also let visitors to comprehend the relevant situations after death, and to experience bidding farewell to the deceased.
Moreover, this area inspires us to contemplate our unfulfilled wishes and to learn how to bid farewell to life.

Strive for Competence and Integrity
Serve with Professionality and Care

Contact Us
Tel: (853) 8295 6200
Fax: (853) 2836 5204

Complexo de Cuidados de Saúde das Ilhas

Edifício do Instituto de Enfermagem Kiang Wu de Macau, Avenida do Hospital das Ilhas no.447, Coloane, RAEM

Permanent Campus

Est. Repouso No. 35, R/C, Macau

