Bachelor of Science in Nursing Programme (BSN)

Programme Introduction

Programme Title: Bachelor of Science in Nursing Programme                 
Mode of Study: 4 years full-time study
Maximum Duration: 7 years (full-time)
Hosting Institute: Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau
Academic Degree: Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
Yearly Intake: Not more than 180人

Programme Aims
1. In accordance with the educational philosophy of "From Personhood to Benevolence", the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Programme aims to nurture students into nursing professionals who strive for competence and integrity to meet the expectations of society and the profession;                            
2. The programme fosters students to be advocator and promoter of health while enhancing their personal growth and professional development.
Programme Intended Learning Outcomes (PILO)
Upon completion of the Programme, the graduates will be able to:
Apply theories of biomedicine, humanities and social sciences to assess, interpret and handle clients' health needs;
Employ evidence-based principles and nursing procedures to provide individuals, families and communities with appropriate and safe nursing care under the direction of holistic nursing and caring;                             
Identify potential and existing health problems, implement health education and promotion activities;
Build up effective therapeutic relationship using suitable communication means and skills in professional practice;
Implement nursing plan independently and collaboratively with other health care professionals to achieve team goal;
Make good use of resources, demonstrate responsibilities and problem-solving ability in professional practice;
Exhibit ability to perform systematic planning and evaluate nursing outcomes;
Demonstrate ability to abide by laws and code of ethics of nursing practice and be accountable for one's own nursing behaviours;
Develop abilities of reflection and lifelong learning to meet social and professional expectations continuously;
Demonstrate critical thinking and basic ability to apply research findings, explore and identity factors contributing to high quality services;
Show insight of cultural diversity and possess the vision of local, national, as well as international perspective.
Programme Structure

Entrance Requirements

1.  Have achieved senior secondary school (Form 6 or Senior 3) graduation, passed in Chinese language, English Language and Mathematics or have obtained equivalent qualifications (Note); and                                          
2.  Demonstrate fluency in both written and spoken English as well as the Chinese languages;
3. Have obtained a passing grade in the entrance examination (written examination, interview and physical examination).
  Note: Form 5 graduates or applicants who have completed Senior 2, passed in Chinese language, English language and Mathematics in the post-secondary studies or Form 5 graduates or applicants who have completed Senior 2, passed in any two A-level subjects in G.C.E. (Chinese Language, English language, Mathematics). (Applicants holding Form 5 or Senior 2 qualifications or above, passed in Biology, Physics, Chemistry will be preferred).
Applicants under Special Consideration
Applicants unable to fulfill the requirements in 1. will be given special consideration according to the "Higher Education Law" of Macao.

Teaching & Learning Methods

In the programme, we mainly use lectures, seminars, tutorials, online learning, laboratories, simulation teaching (High fidelity simulation), vSim (clinical virtual teaching software), virtual anatomy learning system (BodyMap™ Pro VR Human Anatomy Learning Tool) and clinical placement, etc. as methods of teaching. KWNC uses diversified teaching and learning methods to improve students’ learning and interest and enhance students’ ability to integrate theory and practice.
vSim(Clinical Virtual Teaching Software)
Laboratory Learning
Clinical Study
Clinical study is to enable students to apply health care knowledge and combine it with practice. Relevant KWNC subject teachers, clinical instructors/facilitators, and placement organisation appointed nursing preceptors, jointly formulate clinical learning content and teaching plans for students in their clinical studies. Moreover, students set their own clinical learning goals. Clinical personnel also guide students throughout the learning process. The focus of clinical study is to know how to apply the acquired knowledge and skills to the cases through observation and practice. In the fourth year of the Programme, clinical organisations assign clinical personnel to guide students in their studies, assist students to enter the role of clinical nurses, and conduct training in nursing skills, emotions, management, and clinical decision-making, in order to meet the standards of professional nurses.

Strive for Competence and Integrity
Serve with Professionality and Care

Contact Us
Tel: (853) 8295 6200
Fax: (853) 2836 5204

Complexo de Cuidados de Saúde das Ilhas

Edifício do Instituto de Enfermagem Kiang Wu de Macau, Avenida do Hospital das Ilhas no.447, Coloane, RAEM

Permanent Campus

Est. Repouso No. 35, R/C, Macau

